Welcome, Lindsay Zeig


Lindsay Zeig

Lutheran North


We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Lindsay Zeig to our team. Mrs. Zeig lives in Macomb, Michigan and has worked as a Counselor for 15 years. She completed three degrees at Oakland University, including a master's degree in school counseling and a doctorate degree in education. She is passionate about helping others to identify their strengths, interests, and passions. Lindsay has worked for Oakland University (and still does!) in counseling and teaching for 17 years and she loves seeing college students find themselves and their gifts. Mrs. Zeig is blessed with a beautiful family, including three young children who attend St. Peter Macomb. They have been truly blessed with teachers who truly care about them. Her husband, Matt, is a counselor at Macomb Community College and also devoted his career to helping others to succeed in life. She is thrilled to be a part of the LHN community even for a temporary time!

Please warmly welcome Lindsay as a Mustang and get to know her through our Staff Spotlight 20 Questions below!!

Staff Spotlight: lindsay zeig


  1. What’s your role at Lutheran North?


  2. Where are you from?

    Saginaw, Michigan

  3. When did you know that you wanted to be in the Lutheran high school environment and what led you to pursue that path?

    When my children attended preschool at Immanuel Lutheran and St. Peter, I saw how the entire school truly cared about each child and I knew that I wanted to be a part of that!

  4. What’s your favorite Bible verse?

    You teach me the way of life. In your presence is total celebration. Beautiful things are always in your right hand. Psalm 16:11

  5. What are three words to best describe you?

    Kind, energetic, and friendly

  6. What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

    I worked for a country radio station in college on the promotions team to set up for events, concerts, and contests. I even drove the big radio van!

  7. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

    Rollerblading! I don't get the opportunity to rollerblade very often, but when I do, I am pretty quick and can do fun spins.

  8. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

    My superpower would be to fly so that I could bypass traffic and get places faster while enjoying an aerial view!

  9. What’s your favorite food?

    Definitely pizza!

  10. What’s your least favorite food?

    Peas...but ssshhh don't tell my kids!

  11. What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled and why?

    Italy. It's beautiful and full of history.

  12. Where would you like to travel next and why?

    I would love to go to Hawaii someday to explore the nature and outdoor beauty.

  13. What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

    I was a competitive swimmer until age 10.

  14. What’s one hobby you’d like to get into?

    I would like to get into prayerful yoga. I generally enjoy high intensity exercise, but am intrigued by the meditative pace of yoga and how prayer may fit in.

  15. What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?

    Lions Football...I know, I know, but we can always have hope, right?

  16. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    Definitely an early bird. I think best first thing in the morning.

  17. Are you a dog person or a cat person (neither or both)?

    Cat person. I grew up with cats and love their sweet little faces :)

  18. What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?

    My family took a trip to Caseville this summer and really enjoyed the beautiful sandy beach and the small town feels.

  19. What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

    Everywhere you go, bring your own sunshine.

  20. Is there any advice you’d offer to current and future Lutheran North students?

    Find your passion and fuel it. Put all that you have into your dreams and you will go far. Pray hard, play hard, and study hard.



Renee Finkel